Positive Approaches Journal, Volume 10, Issue 3
Positive Approaches Journal | 6-11
Volume 10 ► Issue 3 ► November 2021
Data Discoveries
The goal of Data Discoveries is to present useful data using new methods and platforms that can be customized.
State initiatives to bolster the preparedness of state entities to train and deliver information and resources to staff are critical to building and maintaining optimal systems of care. In Pennsylvania, the Capacity Building Institute (CBI) offers professionals
from many systems in Pennsylvania supporting individuals on the autism spectrum, those with intellectual and other disabilities, and individuals with mental health diagnoses the chance to connect with other professionals, forming networks and teams
to address complex issues. Since the first cohort of CBI participants enrolled in 2016, cross-systems opportunities for professionals to engage and expand knowledge on promising practices, problem-solving strategies, resource sharing, and supporting
individuals with complex needs have emerged and grown. CBI participants attend a two-day per month intensive educational seminar over the course of nine months focused on a myriad of topics including trauma, behavioral assessment, self-care, sexuality,
and therapeutic modalities. CBI is one initiative funded by the Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration project and has led to collaboration between the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Services (OMHSAS).
To learn more about the impact of CBI on attendees and how CBI has impacted their ability to perform their jobs more successfully as well as satisfaction with CBI overall, a survey was distributed to previous participants from the first four cohorts of CBI. Over 100 CBI participants completed the survey, representing more than half of those who participated. Survey respondents represented a diverse cross section of Pennsylvania service systems and representation across roles and job functions. The data dashboard below shows results from the survey.
For more resources and training to support the capacity building for professionals, visit the ASERT Collaborative’s LANTERN (Learning Assistance iNstruction Training Education Resource Network) eLearning platform: www.paautism.org/elearning/. There will you find courses on critical topics including mental health diagnoses, psychopharmacology, and neurodiversity. You can also contact the ASERT Collaborative Resource Center (info@paautism.org or 877-231-4244) to request a free, tailored training for your organization.