Positive Approaches Journal, Volume 12, Issue 3
Positive Approaches Journal | 6
Volume 12 ► Issue 3 ► November 2023
Safe Spaces, Strong Supports: Multifaceted Approaches to Suicide Prevention and Mental Well-being
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the Editorial Board of the Positive Approaches Journal would like to share our gratitude to the dedicated contributors to the November 2023 issue, “Safe Spaces, Strong Supports: Multifaceted Approaches to Suicide Prevention and Mental Well-being.” Though each issue of the Journal maintains a focus on our Mission Statement as described on page 5, the topic of suicide seems to be particularly relevant as winter approaches and as stressful events loom large in all forms of media.
The generosity of time and talent of contributors to PAJ is, frankly, remarkable. The current issue is no exception in bringing together contributions from a diverse range of voices, expertise, and professional backgrounds. The current issue focuses important attention on the often under-recognized topic of suicide and individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism.
Knowledge brings new understanding, and new understanding brings new opportunities to be hopeful about better addressing the impact of suicidal thoughts and actions. In this issue the authors share their insights, experiences and resources which will aid in your support of others.
Gregory Cherpes MD,
Medical Director
Office of Developmental
Department of Human Services
Alford, M.Ed., BCBCA
Acting Editor-in-Chief
of Developmental Programs
of Human Services