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Huntingdon County - Huntingdon/Mifflin/Juniata Collaborative

Contact Information

Allison Fisher, Mifflin/Juniata Human Services Director,

Website/Social Media Links

HMJ Employment Coalition Facebook Page

 HMJ Linked In Page

HMJ Life After High School Page

HMJ Youtube Link

Communication and Meetings Structure

HMJ Regional Collaborative Employment Committee meets once per month on the 4th Friday via a hybrid meeting model on the ZOOM meeting platform and that the Juniata Valley Behavioral and Developmental Services office. The address is 399 Green Avenue Extended, Lewistown, PA.  HMJ Regional Collaborative Housing Committee meets bi-monthly at the Mifflin County Courthouse, 20North Wayne Street, Lewistown, PA.

Goals,next steps, or action plans

Continue to offer valuable resources and networking opportunities to include featured monthly meeting presenters; support the student Transition Website ; offer a yearly Employer Recognition event; investigate new event planning to include a Student Soft Skill Carnival, as well as CtLC Deeper Dive Trainings.  Subcommittees of the Housing team include Special Needs, Aging, Re-Entry and Marketing. The Special Needs sub-committee is working on a database to capture where housing is available for the disabled HMJ population.

AE/SCO/Provider/DHS/Broad Community Partners Represented within Collaborative:

AE IDD and MH and EI representation; SCO – Service Access and Management – Supports Coordination and Blended Case Management; Providers – CARES of Central PA, Compass Community Connections, SKILLS of Central PA, Community Service Group-Clubhouse, UCP of Central PA, OVR-Altoona & Harrisburg Offices; DHS – Kelly Arnold & Cortney McCaleb; SDHP – Howard Ermin; Community – Mifflin-Juniata Area Agency on Aging, Center for Community Action, Mifflin-Juniata Human Services, Mifflin County Housing Authority, Huntingdon County Housing Authority, Tuscarora Intermediate Unit #11; Mount Union School District; Employers - NuVisions