Two-part required training for all Supports Coordinators in the event that they currently serve or will serve someone who is deaf. Information on what all SCs need to know and specific activities for SCs currently serving individuals who are deaf.
Credit Hours: 2
This training content is offered by the Office of Developmental Programs to meet the Annual training requirements as outlined in the 55 PA Code 6100. Training content is specific to topical areas identified in the 55 PA Code 6100. This is not training specific to the understanding and implementation of the 55 PA Code 6100. Using this training content is not required. Agencies may choose to provide agency-sponsored or agency-identified training that meets the Annual training requirements of the 55 PA Code 6100.
Required training for all investigators, licensing inspectors, and monitors. Overview of Harry M. Settlement, Deaf Culture, unique needs of people with intellectual disabilities who are deaf and communication.
Credit Hours: 2
This training content is offered by the Office of Developmental Programs to meet the Annual training requirements as outlined in the 55 PA Code 6100. Training content is specific to topical areas identified in the 55 PA Code 6100. This is not training specific to the understanding and implementation of the 55 PA Code 6100. Using this training content is not required. Agencies may choose to provide agency-sponsored or agency-identified training that meets the Annual training requirements of the 55 PA Code 6100.
All Provider Agencies/Administrators that are currently serving individuals with an intellectual disability who are deaf are required to view this training. Overview of Harry M. Settlement, Deaf Culture, unique needs of people with intellectual disabilities who are deaf, expectation of providers, communication, documentation and the Deaf Services Coordinator.
This training content is
offered by the Office of Developmental Programs to meet the Annual
training requirements as outlined in the 55 PA Code 6100. Training content is specific to topical areas identified in the 55 PA
Code 6100. This is not training specific to the understanding and
implementation of the 55 PA Code 6100. Using this
training content is not required. Agencies may choose to provide
agency-sponsored or agency-identified training that meets the Annual training requirements of the 55 PA Code 6100. Credit Hours: 2
Required training for All Provider Staff currently serving individuals with an intellectual disability who are deaf. Overview of Harry M. Settlement, Deaf Culture, unique needs of people with intellectual disabilities who are deaf, expectation of providers, and the Deaf Services Coordinator.
Credit Hours: 2
This training content is offered by the Office of Developmental Programs to meet the Annual training requirements as outlined in the 55 PA Code 6100. Training content is specific to topical areas identified in the 55 PA Code 6100. This is not training specific to the understanding and implementation of the 55 PA Code 6100. Using this training content is not required. Agencies may choose to provide agency-sponsored or agency-identified training that meets the Annual training requirements of the 55 PA Code 6100.
This course is now archived. Previously accessed certificates will be available until July 1, 2024. Please go to the following course to take this training:
This course is now archived. Previously accessed certificates will be available until July 1, 2024. Please go to the following course to take this training:
This course is now archived. Previously accessed certificates will be available until July 1, 2024. Please go to the following course to take this training: