ODP Resource Accounts are a way for The Office of Developmental Programs’ Stakeholders to interact with ODP Staff in order to receive answers to questions, important information or clarification. The below emails may be used to initiate contact with the appropriate areas to assist you:
All Stakeholders: | |
General Inquiries/Questions/Complaints: | |
Office of Developmental Programs’ Customer Service Center can be
accessed from 8:30 AM
to 4:00 PM on each business day. The Customer Service Center responds
to telephone and e-mail inquiries from individuals, family members,
providers, and the general public regarding:
questions will be answered by the Customer Service team member, but
questions relating
to specific situations will be referred to the appropriate ODP regional
office or subject matter expert. The caller will be contacted by the end
of the next business day to obtain additional follow-up information. |
RA-customerservice@pa.gov or 1-888-565-9435 |
BAS General Inquiries | DPW-AutismOffice@pa.gov or 1-866-539-7689 |
Training and Communications: | |
Bureau of Autism Training Inquiries | RA-BASTrainings@pa.gov |
ASERT Collaborative (Direct Communication with Outreach Specialists who provide support, training and resources) | info@PAAutism.org or 1-877-231-4244 |
ODP Outreach (Requests to be added to distribution lists and ideas for MyODP Newsletter, Employment Initiatives, Community Participation Supports, and College of Direct Support) | RA-PWODP_OUTREACH@pa.gov |
Questions and Issues Relating to Everyday Lives Conferences | RA-PWEDLConference@pa.gov |
Providers/Supports Coordinators/Participants | ||
Adult Autism Waiver Mailbox (Questions on enrollment, training and billing) |
RA-odpautismwaiver@pa.gov | |
Adult Autism Waiver Provider Support (Technical Assistance and clinical support) |
RA-BASprovidersupprt@pa.gov | |
Adult Community Autism Program (ACAP) (Inquires related to ACAP Program) |
RA-ACAP@pa.gov | |
Rate and Fiscal Questions | RA-Ratesetting@pa.gov | |
Deaf Services (for individuals who are disabled and deaf or hearing impaired) | RA-ODPDeafServices@pa.gov | |
Questions relating to Behavioral Support Services | RA-PWBehaviorSupTran@pa.gov | |
Questions relating to Supports Intensity Scale (SIS), and SISONLINE account unlock requests | RA-PWSISONLINEHELP@pa.gov | |
Inquiries from Providers on developing profiles and from participants on using the profiles. |
Quality Management | |
QM Certification, QM methodology and best practices, requests for technical assistance | RA-PWODPQMCERTI@pa.gov |
Quality Assurance and Improvement (Please send questions to the appropriate Regional Coordinator and copy this resource account.) | RA-PWQAIPROCESS@pa.gov |
Incident Management | |
Functionality and improvements to Enterprise Incident Management System | RA-PWODPEIMASSIST@pa.gov |
Incident Management Policy and Procedure Questions | RA-impolicy@pa.gov |
ISPs | |
Individual Support Plan (ISP) and related processes | RA-odpispinquiries@pa.gov |
Providers: | |
Questions about becoming an ODP Provider and Provider Applicant Orientation | RA-PWPROVIDERAPP@pa.gov |
Provider Enrollment Applications or Processes | RA-odpproviderenroll@pa.gov |
Any questions or requests for clarification on the provider qualification application or process | RA-odpproviderqualif@pa.gov |
Provider Agreements and Processes | RA-odpprovideragreem@pa.gov |
Billing questions and denied claims resolution | RA-odpclaimsres@pa.gov |
For Providers to submit Claim Documentation | RA-pwodpclaimdoc@pa.gov |
Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) and SCs and SC Supervisors | |
SCO initial and annual qualification applications and supplemental documentation and qualification process | RA-scqualifications@pa.gov |
Licensing: | |
Inquiries related to Department of Human Services Licensing | Ra-odplicensing@pa.gov |