Note: This course is ONLY FOR AAW providers. 
If you work in ACAP, please take the training on this page: Edit course: Systematic Skill Building (ACAP specific, NOT for AAW) | MyODP

AAW SSD/ Systematic Skill Building Services

Required Trainings

This section contains the required virtual trainings for Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) SSD/Systematic Skill Building provider staff. 

At the end of each training you will receive a Certificate of Completion. That certificate will need to be kept on file at your agency.

These trainings will provide you with an:

    • Understanding and knowledge of Autism and supporting autistic individuals
    • Understanding of SBP from a multiple theoretical perspective and the SBP data collection tools
    • Introduction to developing appropriate goals and objectives (as linked to the SBP information) 
    • Understanding of the importance of prioritizing and collecting data and how data can be measured and described
    • Overview of SBP Development and entry into HCSIS 
    • Introduction to Analyzing Data and Making Instructional Decisions
    • Overview of GAS and datasheet development

This course is only available to SSD/SSB providers who meet the qualifications to provide this service.


  • SPeCTRUM 2.0 Training: ODP requires all staff in AAW and ACAP complete SPeCTRUM 2.0 prior to working with BSASP participants (click on title to be redirected to this page). 
  • BSASP Required Systematic Skill Building Training: ODP requires all Skill Building Specialists to complete the BSASP Required Systematic Skill Building Training as part of the Skill Building Specialists qualification process prior to working with participants. See links below. NOTE: *The staff seeking qualifications for SSB need to submit a fictitious (i.e., NOT on an actual participant) Skill Building Plan, GAS chart and datasheet into MyODP for approval prior to developing SBP, GAS charts and datasheets for participants. This link will be made available after the staff completes all of the SBP trainings. Once the staff passes the SBP submission, they are also considered qualified to develop GAS charts outside of the SSB service.*



  • Systematic Skill Building Virtual Targeted Trainings (VTTs) can be accessed here.
  • ODP BSASP's Systematic Skill Building resources page can be accessed here. 
  • Guidance on Reporting Requirements can be accessed here.
  • ODP/BSASP's Charting the LifeCourse Framework Trainings can be accessed here
  • Charting the LifeCourse Framework's MyODP page can be accessed here. 

The SSD/Systematic Skill Building service was designed to address the need to support Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) and Adult Community Autism Program (ACAP) participants in acquiring skills that promote their independence and their participation in their community.

The Systematic Skill Building Required Training is a 7-Module Training, and will require the submission and approval of a Skill Building Plan.