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Annual training icon Annual Training Catalogue

Training content is specific to topical areas identified in the 55 PA Code 6100, section §6100.143. In order to help meet the requirements, ODP offers the following training content which may count towards annual training. Use of these specific trainings are not required if your agency provides agency-sponsored or agency-identified training that meets the Annual training requirements of the 55 PA Code 6100. 

Annual Training Frequently Asked Questions

Trainings are organized by topical areas identified in section §6100.143 and are arranged by credit hours offered. You may only receive one certificate for each training offered, even if the training is offered in multiple topical areas.

Within this list you will find trainings with this symbol. NADSP training iconThis indicates that the selected training is approved to count towards the NADSP E-Badge Academy. 

Person Centered Practices-- § 6100.143(C)(1)
Acknowledging Self‐Determination in Supporting Participants  1 Credit Hour
Addressing Motivation Issues, Part 1 – Autonomy and Purpose 1 Credit Hour
Addressing Motivation Issues, Part 2 ‐ Mastery 1 Credit Hour
Application of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) 1 Credit Hour
Appropriate and Creative Supports/Services 1 Credit Hour
Assessing and Addressing Communication Needs 1 Credit Hour
Balancing family perspective and participant desires 2 Credit Hour
Behavior- Lets get on the same page 1 Credit Hour
Best Instructional Practice in Teaching Skills and Reporting on Progress (AAW Specific) .33 Credits/Hour
Best Practices for Interviewing Participants 1 Credit Hour
Building Relationships to Strengthen Person's Support System 1 Credit Hour
Deaf Sensitivity 1.5 Credit Hour
Deaf Space: What Does it Look Like? .33 Credit Hour
Deaf-Blindness 101: Communication and Equal 1 Hour Credit
Employment Service Tools and Strategies for Working with Adults with Autism 1.5 Credit Hour
Engaging Families to be Productive Members of the Team 1 Credit Hour
Executive Functioning 1 Credit Hour
Inclusion: Helping or Hovering 1 Credit Hour
Language Deprivation 1.5 Credit Hours
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) 101 1 Credit Hour
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 1  1 Credit Hour
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 2  1 Credit Hour
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 3  1 Credit Hour
 Navigating the Complexities of Meaningful and Functional Communication  2 Credit Hour
 Nonverbal Communication: Myths and Misconceptions  1 Credit Hour
 Supporting Individuals Across the Lifespan  1 Credit Hour
 Participant-Directed Services in ODP: What You Need to Know   1 Credit Hour
 Reaching Communication Goals through Gradual Implementation  1.5 Credit Hour
 Reconceptualizing Autism  1 Credit Hour
 Removing the Invisibility Cloak  1 Credit Hour
 Spectrum 2.0  
 Stages of Learning  1 Credit Hour
 Supporting Families to Answer Difficult Questions  1 Credit Hour
 Supporting Self-Advocates Across Life Domains  (PTB)  .5 Credit/Hour
 The Art and Science of Support  1 Credit Hour
 The Right to Eat Too Many Donuts and Take a Nap: Self- Determination for ID/DD  2 Credit Hour
 The Seven Senses and Hand-Under-Hand Prompting  1 Credit Hour
 Understanding Communication  1 Credit Hour
 Understanding Lifesharing: Who would benefit?  1 Credit Hour
 Using LifeCourse to Support Life’s Transitions  1 Credit Hour
 When a Nonverbal Communicator Gets Hospitalized  .5 Credit/Hour
  Who is PA Family Network? How Do They Support Families and Professionals?  .75 Credit/Hour
 Wonderful World of Visual Schedules  1.5 Credit Hour

Community Integration-- § 6100.143(C)(1)
Building Relationships to Strengthen Person's Support System 1 Credit Hour
Community Engagement Part 1: Philosophy and Practice 1 Credit Hour
Community Engagement Part 2: What is the Research Saying? 1 Credit Hour
Conducting Meaningful Assessments 1 Credit Hour
Employment Service Tools and Strategies for Working with Adults with Autism 1 Credit Hour
Engaging Families to be Productive Members of the Team 1 Credit Hour
Inclusion: Helping or Hovering 1 Credit Hour
 Preparing for Transition to Independence  1 Credit Hour
 Supporting Self-Advocates Across Life Domains  (PTB)  .5 Hour/Session
 Understanding Lifesharing: Who would benefit?  1 Credit Hour
 Using LifeCourse to Support Life’s Transitions  1 Credit Hour

Individual Choice-- § 6100.143(C)(1)
Acknowledging Self‐Determination in Supporting Participants 1 Credit Hour
Balancing family perspective and participant desires 2 Credit Hour
Inclusion: Helping or Hovering 1 Credit Hour
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 1  1 Credit Hour
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 2  1 Credit Hour
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 3  1 Credit Hour
 Participant-Directed Services in ODP: What You Need to Know   1 Credit Hour
 Supporting Self-Advocates Across Life Domains  (PTB)  .5 Credit Hour
 The Right to Eat Too Many Donuts and Take a Nap: Self- Determination for ID/DD  2 Credit Hour
 Understanding Lifesharing: Who would benefit?  1 Credit Hour
Using LifeCourse to Support Life’s Transitions  1 Credit Hour

Assisting Individuals-- § 6100.143(C)(1)
Acknowledging Self‐Determination in Supporting Participants  1 Credit Hour
Addressing Motivation Issues, Part 1 – Autonomy and Purpose  1 Credit Hour
Addressing Motivation Issues, Part 2 ‐ Mastery  1 Credit Hour
Application of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)  1 Credit Hour
Appropriate and Creative Supports/Services  1 Credit Hour
Assessing and Addressing Communication Needs  1 Credit Hour
Autism and Anxiety  1 Credit Hour
Balancing family perspective and participant desires  2 Credit Hour
Best Instructional Practice in Teaching Skills and Reporting on Progress (AAW Specific) .33 hour/session
Best Practices When Working with an Interpreter .33 hour/session
Best Practices for Interviewing Participants   1 Credit Hour
Building Relationships to Strengthen Person's Support System  1 Credit Hour
Deaf Sensitivity  1.5 Credit Hour
Deaf Space: What Does it Look Like? .33 Credit Hours
Deaf-Blindness 101: Communication and Equal Access 1 Credit Hour
Employment Service Tools and Strategies for Working with Adults with Autism 1.5 Credit Hours
Employment: Bringing Employers into the Conversation 1.5 Credit Hours
Focus on Life Transitions   1 Credit Hour
Identifying Necessary Resources When Supporting a Family Member with ASD 1 Credit Hour
Importance of Improving and Building Social and Coping Skills 1 Credit Hour
Inclusion: Helping or Hovering 1 Credit Hour
Language Deprivation 1.5 Credit Hours
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) 101 1 Credit Hour
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 1  1 Credit Hour
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 2  1 Credit Hour 
 Moving the Conversation Forward: Tools to Engage the Family, Part 3  1 Credit Hour
 Navigating the Complexities of Meaningful and Functional Communication  2 Credit Hours
 Nonverbal Communication: Myths and Misconceptions  1 Credit Hour
 ODP Deaf Services  2 Credit Hours
 Preparing for Transition to Independence  1 Credit Hour
 Professional vs. Personal Boundaries  1 Credit Hour
 Putting Behavioral Information in the ISP (AAW Specific)   1 Credit Hour
 Reaching Communication Goals through Gradual Implementation  1.5 Credit Hours
 Reconceptualizing Autism  1 Credit Hour
 Reinforcement Strategies  1.5 Credit Hours
 Setting Parents/Team Members up for Success with Data Collection  1 Credit Hour
 Social Stories  1 Credit Hour
Spectrum 2.0
 Supporting Families to Answer Difficult Questions  1 Credit Hour
Supporting Individuals Across the Lifespan  1 Credit Hour
Supporting Self-Advocates Across Life Domains  (PTB)  .5 Credit Hours
 Systematic Instruction  1  Credit Hour
 Teaching Coping & Self-Regulation Skills  1 Credit Hour
The Art and Science of Support  1 Credit Hour
 The Importance of a Checklist  1 Credit Hour
 The Right to Eat Too Many Donuts and Take a Nap: Self-Determination for ID/DD  2 Credit Hours
 The Seven Senses and Hand-Under-Hand Prompting  1 Credit Hour
 Transitioning from Hospital to Home  1 Credit Hour
 Understanding Lifesharing: Who would benefit?  1 Credit Hour
 Using Consult / Indirect Services to Improve Service Implementation Across the Support Team (AAW Specific)  1 Credit Hour
 Using LifeCourse to Support Life’s Transitions  1 Credit Hour
 When a Nonverbal Communicator Gets Hospitalized  .5 Credit Hours
 Who is PA Family Network? How Do They Support Families and Professionals?  .75 Credit Hours
 Wonderful World of Visual Schedules  1.5 Credit Hours
 Working with Community Psychiatry: Part 2  1 Credit Hour
 Wonderful World of Visual Schedules  1.5 Credit Hours
 Working with Community Psychiatry  1 Credit Hour

The prevention, detection and reporting of abuse, suspected abuse and alleged abuse in accordance with the Older Adults Protective Services Act (35 P.S. § §  10225.101—10225.5102), the Child Protective Services Law (23 Pa.C.S. § §  6301—6386), the Adult Protective Services Act (35 P.S. § §  10210.101—10210.704) and applicable protective services regulations. §6100.143(c)(2) 

Abuse: Detection, Reporting and Prevention of Abuse, Suspected Abuse and Alleged Abuse

Individual Rights-- § 6100.143(C)(3)
Acknowledging Self‐Determination in Supporting Participants  1 Credit Hour
Balancing family perspective and participant desires 2 Credit Hours
Best Practices When Working with an Interpreter .33 Credit Hours
Deaf-Blindness 101: Communication and Equal Access 1 Credit Hour
Inclusion: Helping or Hovering 1 Credit Hour
Language Deprivation 1.5 Credit Hours
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) 101 1 Credit Hour
Reaching Communication Goals through Gradual Implementation 1.5 Credit Hours
Restrictive Procedures: A Basic Overview for Behavioral Specialists  1 Credit Hour
 Supporting Self-Advocates Across Life Domains  (PTB)  .5 Credit Hours
 The Right to Eat Too Many Donuts and Take a Nap: Self- Determination for ID/DD  2 Credit Hours
 Using LifeCourse to Support Life’s Transitions  1 Credit Hour
 When a Nonverbal Communicator Gets Hospitalized  .5 Credit Hours
 Who is PA Family Network? How Do They Support Families and Professionals?  .75 Credit Hours

Recognizing and Reporting Incidents-- § 6100.143(C)(4)

Incident Management Bulletin Training series

Safe & Appropriate Use of Behavior Supports-- § 6100.143(C)(5)

Behavioral Specialist Services: Importance of Prioritizing and Collecting Data 1 Credit Hour
Becoming a Data Champion 1 Credit Hour
Behavior Support and Crisis Intervention Plans (AAW Specific) 1 Credit Hour
Behavioral Specialist Services: Importance of Prioritizing and Collecting Data (AAW Specific)  1 Credit Hour
Collaboration between Behavioral Specialists and Supports Coordination (AAW Specific) 1 Credit Hour
Getting the Most Out of an FBA: Using Other Data Collection/Sources 1 Credit Hour
Getting the Most out of Data Collection and Analysis, Part 1 - Creating Individualized Data Sheets 1 Credit Hour
Getting the Most out of Data Collection and Analysis, Part 2 - Setting up your Excel Sheet and Other Graphing Tips and Tricks 1 Credit Hour
Getting the Most out of Data Collection and Analysis, Part 3 - Analyze Graphed Data to Inform Next Steps
1 Credit Hour
Importance of Prioritizing and Collecting Data 1 Credit Hour
 Q&A Follow-Up: Is this Restrictive?  1 Credit Hour
 Reinforcement Strategies   1.5 Credit Hours
 Setting Parents/Team Members up for Success with Data Collection  1 Credit Hour
 Staff Influence on Challenging Behaviors  1 Credit Hour
 Systematic Instruction  1 Credit Hour
 Targeting Behavioral Needs  1 Credit Hour
 Teaching Coping & Self-Regulation Skills  1 Credit Hour
Understanding Communication  1 Credit Hour
 Using Consult / Indirect Services to Improve Service Implementation Across the Support Team (AAW Specific)  1 Credit Hour
Using the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavioral Support Plan (BSP) Best Practice Checklist  1 Credit Hour
 Working with Community Psychiatry  1 Credit Hour