This webcast will review some of the significant changes and basic requirements identified in the Targeted Supports Management for Individuals Served by the Office of Developmental Programs Bulletin # 00-22-01 that Supports Coordination Organization need to know and understand to fulfill their responsibilities as the Targeted Supports Management (TSM) provider

A detailed training for County/ Administrative Entity Qualified Developmental Disability Professionals (QDDPs) on the process to determine eligibility for services through the Office of Developmental Programs.

The Referring Children to the County Intellectual Disability and Autism Programs Bulletin was issued on July 12, 2022.  This training will provide an overview and general information related to the referral of children to the County Intellectual Disability and Autism (ID/A) Programs. This will include an overview of the Referral process for Program Offices as well as the County ID/A Program’s process for registration and eligibility.