Below are links to trainings specifically targeted to County Program/ AE Roles.

NEW! County Program/ AE Role in Incident Management - A three-part training that reviews the role of County Programs and Administrative Entities in the Incident Management Process. This training focuses on the responsibilities and considerations when County Program/AE staff are reviewing initial incident reports and approving final incident reports. Credit Hours: 1 Hour

Eligibility Bulletin Overview for Counties/Administrative Entities - A detailed training for County/ Administrative Entity Qualified Developmental Disability Professionals (QDDPs) on the process to determine eligibility for services through the Office of Developmental Programs. Credit Hours: 1.5 Hours

Overview of the AE Operating Agreement - This training is intended to support you in your work with individuals receiving community‐based services and supports and fulfill your role in the County ID Program or Administrative Entity. Access is limited to registered users with a MyODP Profile role of Administrative Entity (AE) Staff, Administrative Entity Fiscal Staff, Administrative Entity ID Director, or Administrative Entity/ County Administrator. Credit Hours: 1 Hour

Referring Children to the County Intellectual Disability and Autism (ID/A) Programs - The Referring Children to the County Intellectual Disability and Autism Programs Bulletin was issued in July 12, 2022.  This training will provide an overview and general information related to the referral of children to the County Intellectual Disability and Autism (ID/A) Programs. The presentation will include an overview of the Referral process for Program Offices as well as the County ID/A Program’s process for registration and eligibility. Credit Hours: .5 Hour

Residential ISP Staffing for AE Reviewers  -Training for Administrative Entity ISP Reviewers to support the consistent, statewide implementation of the Residential ISP Staffing approach in ISP development. Completion of the Residential ISP Staffing: It's About the Person, Not the Numbers training (including the Training Confirmation) IS REQUIRED BEFORE being able to access and register for this training. Access to this course is limited to registered users with a designated Administrative Entity role in their MyODP account profile. Credit Hours: 4 Hours