The Office of Developmental Program's Sexuality Consultant, Sharon Potter,
will present tools to address sexuality needs and issues.
Credit hours: 1
This training is for any provider and support professional to learn how to safely and effectively support people in their care that have sexually problematic behaviors. The goal is to address knowing where to start, knowing the person you support, and how to get resources. It will discuss how to use positive behavior support techniques, alongside Applied Behavior Analysis, in order to decide on interventions for the specific person they are working with. Discussion about common misconceptions, thinking errors on the part of the support team, and how some good intentioned interventions, without the proper education, could be actually setting people up for failure will be included. This training will also review risk and protective factors and how to safely and mindfully incorporate more protective interventions into planning. Finally, it will also touch base on how to support court orders, as well as how to responsibly provide supervision in the home and community.
Credit hours: 1