PA Supporting Families and Community of Practice Home Page

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Charting the LifeCourse

Westmoreland County - Westmoreland Collaborative

Contact Information

Mallory Mulheren;

Website/social media links

Communication and Meetings Structure

We meet quarterly, the members listed are also apart of other various coalitions and committees that incorporate the Lifecourse tools in their events.

Goals, next steps or actions plans

To continue to work through the education world to change the approach to transition planning.To increase the focus on employment and community integration. Our County has developed a family resource specialist position who is developing a data base for resources for families. Currently has approximately 500 resources that he is categorizing and that will be accessible on a website that is currently under construction. Intake staff currently take consumers/families through the initial stages of charting the Lifecourse. AE conducts quarterly audits to ensure quality in these practices.

AE/SCO/Provider/DHS/Broad Community Partners Represented within Collaborative: