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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Webpage

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Updates Section

*As of April 24th, content will be posted as part of the Announcements and Webinars pages. This page will no longer be updated.

- On April 22nd, ODP issued Announcement 20-048 to inform providers of the new, temporary directions regarding fieldwork assignments approved by the College of Employment Services (CES).

- On April 17th, ODP issued Announcement 20-047 regarding Facilitating Personal Relationships When Visitors are Restricted in Residential Settings.

- On April 15th, Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Teresa Miller encouraged all Pennsylvanians to Help Report Child Abuse amidst COVID-19 Public Health Crisis.

- On April 13th, ODP issued Announcement 20-044 regarding a Well Being Tool for Supports Coordinators.

- On April 10th, ODP held a COVID-19 Update for Lifesharing webinar and issued Announcement 20-043 regarding COVID-19 and Communication. This announcement included a COVID-19 Communication toolkit.

- On April 9th, ODP held two webinars; Update for Families Concerning Emergency Preparedness and COVID-19 and Update for Families Concerning Health and COVID-19

- On April 08, ODP reissued Announcement 20-041: Provider Guidance for Reporting Cases of COVID-19 with updates .

- On April 06, ODP issued Announcement 20-039 in response to requests for provider retainer payments. Announcement 20-040 was released to provide a Residential Provider Checklist for confirmed cases of COVID-19.

- On April 04, ODP issued Announcement 20-038 to provide Guidance and Alerts on Mitigating COVID-19 in Long Term Care Facility Settings. The announcement includes COVID-19 Nursing Home Guidance and an Alert for Universal Masking of HealthCare Workers and Staff in Congregate Care Settings.

- On April 03, an update was issued for Announcement 20-023 which pertains to functions suspended by the Office of Developmental Programs in response to concerns over the possible spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).   

- On April 02, ODP issued Announcement 20-035 Guidance for Preventing and Responding to Behavioral Crises was released to Providers and SCOs. The announcement provided information on dealing with behavioral issues that might arise during the COVID-19 pan demic. 2 attachments from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) were also included that provided additional guidance and suggestions for coping with stress and taking care of your behavioral health. Announcement 20-036 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): ISP Revisions in the Adult Autism Waiver was released to AAW Supports Coordinators. Announcement 20-037 was also released to outline acceptable modifications of the key tasks and activities required during the management of incidents.

- On March 31, ODP Issued Announcement 20-034 regarding the Provisional Hiring Process for Staff Serving Older Adults. A Disclosure Statement template for Direct Support Professionals Support Coordinators was also included in this announcement.

- On March 30, supportive guidance was given in the announcement entitled, COVID-19 & Child Care in PA-- a flyer from OCDEL regarding Waiver to Provide Child Care for Life Sustaining Personnel. This was issued for individuals and families on the latest resource options for child care of life sustaining personnel. ODP published Announcement 20-032 to announce the temporary modification of certain regulatory requirements and requirements in the waivers to help ensure adequate staffing during COVID-19.

- On March 25, ODP Issued Announcement 20-030 Provider Tracking ISP Revisions. Announcement and Announcement 20-031 regarding Retainer Payments for Community Participation Supports (CPS).

- On March 24, ODP Issued Announcement 20-029 for Auto Authorizations for Residential without Day Services .

- On March 23, new operational guidance and upcoming webinar dates were issued in Announcement 20-027 which included operational guidance for Providers of P/FDS, Community Living, and Consolidated Waivers as well as for Adult Autism Waivers. Also attached was a Provider Plan Change Template. Announcement 20-028 included a Post Acute and Long Term Care COVID-19 Toolkit developed by ODP. An update was also issued for ODPANN 20-019: Guidance for Developmental Programs Providers which included clarification for Supports Coordination Organizations.

- On March 19, the Office of Developmental Programs issued a notification entitled "Explaining Social Distancing". It provides information links defining this health practice and how it can prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.

- On March 18, the Office of Developmental Programs issued a notification entitled "Knowledge Is Power". It provides information and links explaining how to best assist and provide recently developed COVID-19 resources for individuals on the Autism Spectrum.

- On March 17, the Office of Developmental Programs issued Announcement 20-023 outlining functions managed by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) that will be suspended statewide for the next 14 days, effective March 17, 2020. Announcement 20-024 (Obsolete) was also released regarding a COVID-19 Provider Information Tool.

- On March 16, the Office of Developmental Programs issued Announcement 20-022 containing important information about facilities licensed under 55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380 and 2390 and 6 Pa. Code Chapter 11; including provisions for the redeployment of direct support professionals for essential health and safety functions. An update to Announcement 20-020 guidance for affected counties was also issued.

- On March 14, Governor Wolf Offers COVID-19 Community Preparedness and Procedures Materials

- On March 13, Deputy Secretary, Kristin Ahrens and Medical Director, Dr. Gregory Cherpes hold a webinar update on coronavirus (COVID-19)

- On March 12, In response to growing concerns about the spread of COVID-19 and its potential impact on the delivery of services to individuals with an intellectual disability or autism, the Department of Human Services (DHS), Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has developed operational guidance and recommendations for providers of intellectual disability and autism services.

- On March 6, Governor Wolf and Secretary Levine confirmed the first two presumptive positive cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Pennsylvania and the governor signed an emergency disaster declaration to provide increased support to state agencies involved in the response to the virus.

A resource developed by DOH entitled, “Long Term Care Facility Visitation Guidance” contains guidance on important strategies to prevent the introduction of respiratory germs through the monitoring of visitors and healthcare workers.

- On March 2, an ODP Health Alert on Coronavirus was released to all stakeholders; which provided valuable information and links to resources. 

Last modified: Thursday, May 7, 2020, 1:48 PM