Positive Approaches Journal - Volume 2 Title

Mission Statement: To improve lives by increasing capacity to provide supports and services to individuals with mental health and behavioral challenges, intellectual disabilities, autism and other developmental disabilities, using the guiding principles of Everyday Lives and the Recovery Movement. Through case studies, articles, interviews, and related academic sources, Positive Approaches Journal will strive to feature resources, observations, and advancements that are relevant and timely to professionals and supporters.

- Foreword by Deputy Secretary Kristin Ahrens and Deputy Secretary Jennifer Smith -

- Editorial Board -

Amy Alford, M.Ed., BCBA
Acting Editor in Chief, Clinical Director
Office of Developmental Programs

George Bell IV, MA
Clinical Director
Office of Developmental Programs

Gregory Cherpes, MD
Medical Director
Office of Developmental Programs

Crystal Doyle
Human Services Program Representative
Office of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

Angela Harris, MSW
Chief Social Rehabilitation Executive
Office of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

David Knauss
Retired Human Services Program Specialist
Office of Long Term Living

Nicholas DeMarco, PsyD
Director of IDD and Mental Health Supports
Philadelphia Coordinated Health Care

Hope Pesner
Human Services Program Analyst
Office of Developmental Programs

Mark Salzer, Ph.D.
Professor & Director
Temple University

Lindsay Shea, MS, DrPH
Analytics Oversight
Office of Developmental Programs

Marlinda Smith, LCSW
Dual Diagnosis Initiative Project Lead
Office of Developmental Programs

Pamela Treadway, M.Ed.
Senior Clinical Consultant
Office of Developmental Programs

Alicia Torres
Communication and Outreach Coordinator
Office of Developmental Programs

Volume 13 ► Issue 1 ►June 2024 :

Understanding Trauma: From Theory to Practice

Volume 12 ► Issue 4 ►February 2024 :

Mindful Aging: Let's Start the Conversation

Volume 12 ► Issue 3 ►November 2023 :

Safe Spaces, Strong Supports: Multifaceted Approaches to Suicide Prevention and Mental Well-being

Volume 12 ► Issue 2 ►August 2023 :

Understanding the Complexities of Behavioral Phenotypes and How to Support People

Volume 12 ► Issue 1 ►May 2023 :

Confronting Stigma and Promoting Wellness: Changing the Conversation

Volume 11 ► Issue 4 ► February 2023 :

Access, Empowerment, Experience: Driving Voice Behind Change

Volume 11 ► Issue 3 ► November 2022 :

Access, Empowerment, and Independence: Employment for All

Volume 11 ► Issue 2 ► August 2022 :
A Better Understanding of Mental Health to Improve Systems and Supports

Volume 11 ► Issue 1 ► May 2022 :
Innovation & Best Practices in Supporting Autistic Adults

Volume 10 ► Issue 4 ► February 2022 :
Embracing Behavioral Supports and Meaningful Applications

Volume 10 ► Issue 3 ► November 2021 : Beyond Silos:
Highlighting Multisystem Approaches in Pennsylvania

Volume 10 ► Issue 2 ► August 2021 :
Supporting and Informing Paths to Transition

Volume 10 ► Issue 1 ► May 2021 :
Sexuality and Social Connectedness Part 2

Volume 9 ► Issue 4 ► 2021 :
Sexuality and Social Connectedness Part 1

Volume 9 ► Issue 3 ► 2020 :
The Data Issue

Volume 9 ► Issue 2 ► 2020 :
Are we listening?
 The Challenges and Opportunities in Communication

Volume 9 ► Issue 1 ► 2020 :
Navigating the Justice System: Considerations, Best Practices, and Points to Ponder

Volume 8 ► Issue 4 ► 2020 :
Maximizing Resources

Volume 8 ► Issue 3 ► 2019 :
Rights, Risks, and Restrictions

Volume 8 ► Issue 2 ► 2019 :
Meaningful Community Engagement

Volume 8 ► Issue 1 ► 2019 :
The Art and Science of Support

Editorial Guidelines

For Questions or Comment


The Pennsylvania Journal on Positive Approaches © 1996 is published by the Office of Developmental Programs and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Harrisburg, PA. For additional information please contact RA-PWODPTRAINING@pa.gov. ISSN: 1091-3688 Library of Congress Card Catalog # 97-657350 Vol 8, Issue 1 Copyright. © 2019 ODP/OMHSAS. All right reserved.